Click 2 Call

Offer real-time customer services with Click-to-Call

What is Click2Call?

Practical, feasible and user-friendly, Click2Call Solution is a collective bridge that not only makes the website interactive but also brings in a bucket full of perks. smooths out the process for you by enabling you to connect with customers using a single click as a form of direct response marketing.


Review the performance of your campaign using our detailed reporting mechanism. A report has following parameters

text message using websms
Number of Clicks

It indicates the total number of customers clicked the button on the website.

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Number of Calls Initiated

It is the total number of calls initiated by the system.

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Success Calls

It is the total number of calls answered by the customer in the first attempt.

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Failed Calls

It indicates the total number of calls that were not responded.

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First Attempt Success Percent

It is the total percentage of successful calls in line with total calls initiated.

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Retried Calls

It indicates the calls that were initiated to the customer but failed in the first attempt.

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Successful Retried Calls

It is the total number of calls answered by the customers during retrials.

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Total Success Percentage:

It is the percentage of called picked successfully in the first attempt and retrials divided by total number of clicks received.

Our Click-to-Call Service Highlights

  •   Global coverage

    Don’t worry about the service provider of your existing or potential customers. Our extended coverage includes every mobile and landline operator.

  •   Call logs

    Call history and data is recorded and can be extracted to give your business the reports it needs to further enhance its services.

  •   Activation scheduling

    You can schedule the time and the day that your users can access the service. With Click-to-Call our business is in complete control.

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